A Salesman sans Marketing ?

8 min readNov 26, 2020

To create or not to create that is the Question… !!!

Having to sell a product and to get into the shoes of a seller has never been easy for anyone. Upon realization of the needs, and what they pitch against the wants, a seller delivers amazing results.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Aren’t I on a Ambiguous Mode? Travels be done to know the needs of every individual. the length of it may baffle us by distance one can go. Not many understand the way of this travel, or the length as we sit one place and go many.

I chanced upon a realization that marketing is more Science than Creativity and was bowled out to the idea. all thanks to one individual who, as part of His internships is delivering amazing amounts of knowledge. Digital Deepak has been kind to lead me into generating leads for my business !!! This Article comes up as part of his internships.

One way to start understanding Marketing is to find your own self and the way you purchase. and Marketing Plays a major Role in this.

Philip Kotler defines that ‘Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit’.

True to every letter in itself ,marketing Does wonders to companies.

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

We seldom realize that marketing isn't done after the product but before the product. Lets dissect this; marketing is something that starts before the product is even created and we start by knowing the needs of the user. Apples of the world have been successful and are a step ahead in creating these needs too. Always thinking two products ahead. As we see this we also get the clarity that Successful Marketeers and companies are the ones that market not to sell but to keep their customers happy and to communicate with them as often as possible.

eons ago ( Though not literally ) Customers came with 20% Knowledge of what they want and the remaining 80% was added by the company they visit to buy for their needs. Today with the advent of technology the tables have turned and a seller finds it hard to sell unless he realizes the most important aspects of a product.


2. satisfaction

3.real needs

We have moved towards value selling from box selling. Today a successful product covers all three and help us realize profits. Gone are the days of sales funnel the new buzz is marketing Funnel.

Photo by Nicolás Olivares on Unsplash

Sony Built a trend with Its Walkman only on one principle : Trust.

What once was restricted to homes became popularly known for its portability and it took a series of efforts to build trust.

As a company Sony didn't need marketing…. its new product, however, won the trust of millions, thanks to its persistent marketing efforts.

Sony captured a great market share and a position in the customer’s mind.

Marketing is what it is. The best tool that can help you stage yourself numero uno in the customer’s minds or the contrary despite a great product.

Photo by Troy T on Unsplash

Marketing doesn't take a better stand than the product. a great product can sell itself but a great sell by marketing and a bad product will kill the brand. The Product is always bigger that marketing. People Don’t Buy WHAT You Sell, They Buy WHY You Sell It.

How Strong are you as a Brand….?

our decision to know where to sell and knowing where to Compete wins half the race.

Photo by Adam Cai on Unsplash

Its said and followed widely on the social media that done go for a brand but be a brand…!!! Good to hear !!! So what does it take to be a brand.

Volvo Sells itself today not just as cars and Buses but as a ticket brand too. We don't travel in an AC bus to the airport in Bangalore or we don't book an AC bus to Mumbai from Bangalore, we book a VOLVO ticket, And proudly so. not realizing the amount of word of mouth marketing that we are doing for Volvo. yes you read that right and i will let that sink in. we are selling Volvo every time we buy a ticket. We use Brands as verbs today and no less brands use the same to build more and better products for us.

Today we can safely say that in Bangalore Volvo is the no.1 seller for luxury mass transport.

It goes without saying that we focus our marketing towards becoming no 1 or be the only one. Our Brand representation shall be driven by the efforts we put in to make sure we are on the top. we don't Google for Food today we Swiggy it!!! imagine Swiggy beating google in searching??? but for a very small niche that’s the biggest of three Roti Kapda and you know the rest…. Marketing…marketing…marketing….

Oh So Much???

My water bottle comes with best before date . water with an expiry date? WOW imagine that….

marketing as such has a longer shelf life than the that water bottle the guy sold to me. When we learn marketing we do not limit it to our current business but to all that we may start in the future. In the World today AI may replace most of our work but can seldom do so with marketing. marketing has always been rooted in Psychology and the only vertical of any business with immediate ROI. having said we should also realize that marketing can never be fully outsources and as a founder i am always a marketer.

Photo by Nanxi wei on Unsplash

Good marketing is all about good communication:

We should always strive to transfer our thoughts effectively and efficiently. Don’t Dangle a Carrot unless you want to catch a ra(bbi)t.Unless we understand the importance of communication we may end up a den full or rats who fall for our words, where we wanted Rabbits.Our marketing is all about avoiding the PIED Piper than to hire him in our business to bring rabbits.

Which Mode do you want?

It takes Two to tango and so does traditional to the Digital.

Traditional marketing: Any marketing done on Mass media via traditional methods like TV, Radio, newspaper,Hoardings etc. are considered Traditional as the tradition goes …LOL…Though the perception has started changing and we have the advent of smart TV’s and Smart news on our Mobile Phones. we are changing the way marketing works. but No online media beats the wide reach for generic products as the TV does.

Photo by Dave Weatherall on Unsplash

Digital marketing: If we hit it to the brass tacks “ Digital marketing is simply done online over the internet”.

‘Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device or the internet’

Photo by Eduardo Casajús Gorostiaga on Unsplash

Digital marketing vs Traditional marketing

Do we interact:

Traditional marketing is a one way ticket in most cases. TV radio and news papers publish the content. people don't interact unless there is a direct marketing response added as a hook and is minimal. While Digital marketing involves high levels interaction with the customers and the users can directly give feedback, their views and opinions about the product or service

We may also realize that Digital marketing is focused on the English speaking crowd today, we hope that this changes in the nearest of the Future. Traditional marketing in India Exceeds the reach of 465 Million and yet we succeed more in the Digital space with only 100 Million eye sets.

All In all The Digital Space is set to take over the traditional space in generating revenues to many businesses and i hope that this would prevail for many more years to come.

Meow Meow….

Not That grumpy CAT of yours but a CATT that could help you build more:

Today’s marketing has changed leaps and bounds and here’s one new step to change the way things work. CATT the marketing funnel and framework:

[Wealth = n ^ CATT] where n being your niche

Digital Deepak

This type of marketing funnel involves following 4 steps:

· Content

· Attention

· Trust

· Transaction

[n] Niche: Your Choice of a niche space determines your amount of success and would help you build your organization better.

[Wealth = n ^ CATT] where n being your niche

Content: People bring people to your business and what helps a business build is the content that these people can accept. Deep marketing attracts people towards you. Content Delivers in many forms like blog posts, lead magnets, videos etc one line ads, images, etc. As a mandate to drive business towards you, you shall always deliver content in any of these forms.

Attention: Shall we buy more??? The only dollar that counts in my till is the one that keeps coming. traffic to your product is the only dollar that in the digital economy that shall help you keep going. We may use wide methods to bring in the traffic to your business by using Social Media , google Ads, Etc.

Trust:No matter the greatness of your marketing and the content we shall do more to earn trust. The only and the most critical Component of our marketing efforts. lets Trip wire and automate our marketing to keep em hooked.People do well to retain us as their vendor upon their full trust on us ans we can do our best to keep them.

Transaction: having done all the above steps, We sell naturally and we shall do our best to convert all leads achieved to sales.

What we see here is only the tip of the berg

There is so much more that we can discuss and I hope to be able to get you back when we discuss Things like saturation of your niche, integrated Digital Marketing, Mass trust and the Power of personal branding. Hope to keep you wondering for the further more to come …

I Hope to have had you till here and look forward to seeing you soon with more content. :)

